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Bright green crop.
Weight : ± 850 grams.
Harvest age : ± 49 after showing.
Main adaptation in the lowlands.
Crop is dense and hard and uniform.
High weight and production.

  • Nursery

    A. Nursery

    1. The need for seeds per hectare is 250-300 grams.
    2. Making spring beds with a width of 100 cm and a height of 15-20 cm.
    3. The nursery must be in an open place with full sun, loose soil and safe from disturbance by pets.
    4. Sprinkle manure that has been cooked 2-3 kg per m2, if the soil texture is not loose enough, add rice husks to the surface of the bed, and stir until loose.
    5. Flush the beds with EM4 solution of 10 ml/liter of water using an embrat tool.
    6. Make a transverse groove on the surface of the bed with a distance of 10 cm to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.
    7. Plant seeds at a density of 4-5 seeds per 1 cm of furrow length.
    8. Cover the planting groove with 0.5 cm thick bed media.
    9. Cover the surface of the bed with sacks or banana leaves for 2-3 days (until the seeds germinate)

    1. Maintenance

     After the seeds germinate, open the lid and water it.
     If an attack of stem rot is found, spray it with Previcure N 2 ml/ ltr of water.
     Transplanting is done after 2 true leaves appear (17 HST).

  • Land Preparation

    B. Land Preparation

    1. Clearing the land of grass/weeds and remaining plant roots, so that plant growth is not disturbed from pests and disease hosts
    2. Plowing the land and rotating if with a tractor as deep as 30-40 cm to loosen the soil and improve soil drainage and aeration
    3. Giving dolomite lime together with tillage if the soil pH is < 5.5 as much as 1.5 tons / hectare
    4. Making beds with a width of 110 cm, a height of 20-25 cm, a ditch width of 40-50 cm and the length of the beds according to the conditions of the land
    5. Provision of manure on the left and right sides of the bed is stirred evenly until loose the need per hectare is 5 tons
    6. Apply basic fertilizer UREA 100 kg, SP.36 100 kg, KCL 75 kg Per Ha, spread it on the left and right sides of the bed and mix it evenly
    7. Covering the surface of the beds with soil from the ditch until evenly distributed

  • Planting

    C. Planting

    1. Water the beds before planting until they are evenly wet.
    2. The lettuce seeds are scooped up with the soil and stored in a plastic tray.
    3. Plant 1 lettuce seed on a bed with a distance of 25 x 25 cm in 1 bed with 4 rows of plants.
    4. Do regular watering with Gembor/emrat so that the plants adapt quickly.

  • Fertilization

    D. Fertilization

    At the age of 15 DAP, apply the 2nd follow-up fertilizer of 200 kg Urea, and 75 kg kCL per hectare by mixing the two fertilizers and sprinkling them in the grooves between the rows of plants with a distance of 10 cm.

  • Plant Maintenance

    E. Plant Maintenance

    1. Embroidery
    Embroidering is done to replace plants that have died from caterpillar pests or stem rot.
    2. Weeding
    Weeding is done so that there is no competition for nutrients in the soil between weeds and the main crop, do the weeding at the age of 10-15 HST. Before the 2nd follow-up fertilization.
    3. Watering Plants
     Watering plants should be optimal because the age of lettuce plants is very short, around 25-30 HST
     At the beginning, before growing, do the watering in a Leb way or with a fine sprinkle.

  • Diseases & Pests

    F. Disease Pests

    1. Earthworms (Agrotis sp.)
    Black-brown ground caterpillars attack young plants by cutting the base of the stem, and hiding in the ground, active in the afternoon.
    Control with insecticides The active ingredient Carbofuran is sprinkled around the plant stems.
    2. Armyworm (Spodoptera litura/exigua)
    Caterpillars are brownish dark green with black bitniks on the nodes of their bodies, attacking plants by eating young leaves until they have holes. Control with insecticides Curacron 500 Ec or Buldok 25 EC. according to the recommendations on the packaging.
    3. Caterpillar destroying leaves (Plutella Xylostella)
    Small light green caterpillar with a length of 7-10 cm. attack plant shoots. Chemical control with insecticide Decis 2.5 EC or Buldok 25 EC according to the instructions on the packaging.
    4. Leaf Miner (Liriomyza sp.)
    Leaf miner or leaf miner pests, their larvae attack the inner layers of the leaves and leave the skin of the leaves. Control with insecticide Trigard 75 WP
    5. Dumping Off Disease (Pythium sp.)
    Attacking the base of the stem in young plants has black-brown spots which cause the plants to collapse and wilt. Control by spraying Previcur N as recommended.
    6. Clubroot disease (Plasmodiophora brassicae)
    This disease attacks plant roots, with the characteristic feature of wilted plants during the day the plant roots have lumps like cancer. Prevention do crop rotation, on former caisim or pakchoy land. Applying Dolomite agricultural lime during land preparation can reduce the level of this disease.

  • Harvesting

    G. Harvesting

    Harvest of Lettuce aged 40-45 HST depending on the altitude of the planting site. above sea level. Cut with a sharp knife at the base of the lettuce, collect the harvest and wash it after it has drained and tied every 200-250 grams.

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