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Mabes F1 (Sweet Corn)

Mabes F1 (Sweet Corn)

Sweet corn (hybrid).
Grains color : light yellow and white.
Cornhusk color : green.
Harvest age : ± 68 after sowing.
Yield potential : ± 15 tons/ha.
Good storage.
Main adaptation in the lowlands.
Weight cobs 500-600 gr.
Cobs shape : cylindrical.
So sweet taste.

  • Land Preparation

    A. Land Preparation

    1. Clearing the land of grass/weeds and remaining plant roots, so that plant growth is not disturbed by pests and disease hosts.
    2. Plowing the soil and turning if with a tractor as deep as 30-40 cm to loosen the soil and improve soil drainage and aeration.
    3. Apply dolomite lime together with tillage if the soil pH is <6. Dosage is 2-3 tons/Ha, Optimal pH is 6.8.
    4. Making arrays with a distance of 70 x 20 cm, and applying organic fertilizer if necessary for infertile soil at a dose of 5 tons/Ha.
    5. Land Treatment
     Manual (Using a hoe to turn over and loosening the soil).
     Mechanical (Using a machine with a Rotary or Jounder).

  • Planting

    B. Planting

    1. Planting begins with making a planting hole with a hammer as deep as 3 cm. In the arrays that have been made, a distance of 70 cm between rows/arrays and a distance of 20 cm within the rows.
    2. Corn seeds are planted 1 or 2 grains per hole, cover the hole slightly with soil and sow/pour 10-20 grains of furadan/curate insecticide to prevent pest attack.
    3. The need for seeds per hectare is around 10-15 kg.

  • Plant Maintenance

    C. Plant Maintenance

    1. Watering is done when the soil is dry.
    2. Weeding of weeds is usually done 2 times after the 2nd fertilization and 3rd fertilization.
    3. Hoarding is usually done after the 1st weeding at 4/5 weeks after planting by raising the soil in the rows of plants so that the plants are more resistant to falling.
    4. Fertilization is done 3 times the age of 2 MST, 5 MST, and 8 MST by digging the fertilizer hole distance of 10 cm from the plant 5-7.5 gr/plant and the fertilizer hole in the ground cover

  • Fertilization

    D. Fertilization


    No Fertilizer Type 1 Continuation 2 Continuation Keterangan
    2 mst 5 mst
    1 UREA 75 kg 125 kg MST = Week after planting
    2 NPK 15-15-15 150 kg 250 kg
    3 KCL   50 kg
  • Diseases & Pests

    E. Disease Pests

    1. Pests

     Fungus pests and crickets attack the plants at the beginning of planting. Application of Furadan and Regent Red, Curacron dosage according to instructions.
     Armyworms attack plants in the vegetative phase at the tops of plants. Sow 5 curaters on shoots of plants aged 3 WAP and 5 MST.
     Cob caterpillars attack generative phase plants when filling cobs, control with the application of Dangke 40 WP insecticide.

    2. Disease

     Downy mildew (P.maydis) attacks the vegetative age up to the age of 8 MST. Prevention is by routine application of Acrobat 500 SC starting at 2 WAP every 2 weeks.
     Leaf blight is a fungal spot that attacks corn leaves at an early age generatively apply Amistar Top.
     Leaf rust is caused by the fungus Puccinia polyspora with reddish yellow spots, application with Mankozeb, antracol.

  • Harvesting

    F. Harvesting

    Harvesting age Sweet corn in the lowlands generally starts harvesting at the age of 70 HST, sweet corn is harvested with its husks.

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